Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Much Of Radio 1 Is Scripted

Pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris

Friday, February 13, 2009

Guinness Book Endocrine Disorder

The economic crisis in the progression

Raining economic data that indicate the progression of the phenomena of recession and, inevitably, the attention at this time, is likely to become absorbed. For me, however, there is a sense of malaise: those who have followed the articles written on this blog can see why.
Well in advance I have foreshadowed the current scenarios, but go much further. Someone accuses me of doom, I think that the perception of what is happening is very distorted. The media talk as if we were right in phenomenon of the economic crisis, but the truth is that we are the first gusts of wind that anticipate a tropical storm with enormous destructive potential. In the middle of this year the first nodes will be laid on the table, unemployment will start to become a problem, the real effects will be felt more strongly in the financial markets, the crisis will also in developing countries and more strongly than the rich West.
do not need to add anything to what I said and repeated several times, just scroll down the articles of the past months on this issue.
The world that will arise as a result of this crisis will be different, how different it will be understood by the road that's been spoon when they realize they could no longer sustain the lifestyle of the last 30 years. My hope is to not experience the war firsthand, but I can not in any way affect the course of events. You just have to pray for me that I have faith, or hope for good fortune for those who do not.

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Englaro case and similar

During this period, public attention has been monopolized by the painful case of poor Eluana, now passed away. Let God rest his soul.
I never wanted to express myself and I still do not. I'm just saying that he opposes any form of lawmaking, which by its nature must be general and abstract, because I believe that every case is unique and special, impossible to pigeonhole into a generic case and regulated from which to draw concrete decisions.
As for me, then, is not any law on euthanasia or the determination of how positive to end the life of a person.
other hand I think it is appropriate to create a mechanism, through the establishment of an ethics commission and a court doctor, who can assess in each case what is the reasonable limit beyond which a cure is to be seen as aggressive medical treatment and thus can be suspended, with the result that the sufferer let live as long as nature permits, accepting the limit.
I believe that man is master of life and therefore has no right either to suppress or to impose artificial forms over the limit in respect of the patient, both cases are, in my opinion, forms of pride and abuse of intelligence. Abuse, then that is a misuse.
always return, as a concept fundamental to all human action, whether we speak of ethics whether we speak of freedom, the concept of right reason, HERE EST ET REGULA Mensur. The right reason, which must be sought that requires constant effort and, from time to time, a new effort since the absolute truth belongs to the sphere of the Infinite and Eternal and therefore is not within the reach of human reason, by definition finite, contingent, and limited .

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nikon Telescope Attachment Meade

The settlement of Obama in the twilight of a civilization

The party for the settlement of Obama has left me with a bitter aftertaste, and now, with a cool head, I understand why. The feeling I have is that of a party called to exorcise the ghosts of the end of an era, but the time is now at the end. Twenty years after the collapse of communism, this is still looming truth announced in 1893 by Pope Leo XIII, in the extraordinary encyclical Rerum Novarum, which indicated the extent of structural material systems: communism was doomed to failure because it is capable of distributing the wealth, but unable to produce it in the long run according to the needs of the people, liberalism was doomed to fail and is failing because he knows very well produce the wealth, but is unable to distribute it equitably. TARE These structural source of injustice and inequality, which promptly came forward as a direct consequence is that in communist systems in those inspired liberalism.
on this blog in recent months, I had largely anticipated the unmistakable symptoms of what is happening now and I repeat again, we are only beginning. The U.S. became a great power by following the ideals and behaviors with skillful use of rhetoric the president Barak Hussein Obama has stressed in his inaugural address, he called the nation to unite behind those values \u200b\u200band those principles, so there will be a change of course, a revolution, a new road, but only return inside the rails of a railway line that leads straight to the abyss. In recent years (forse. ..) had left the rails and start suddenly and in a confused way, each on his behalf, but the direction is that of liberalism, that of civilization so-called Western emerged from the last five hundred years of history of Europe and America.
It 's a way hopelessly wrong, as was the road resulted in the Communist (Europe only) from the alternative route proposed by modernism and the Enlightenment, however, always followed the "anthropological turn" determined by Descartes.
Remedies? None. This civilization will explode, as the communist one has imploded. There will be wars, famine, death and destruction, even if it is not a matter of knowing who will be involved, where, and how soon, but is not a question of "if" but "when" ...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kingdom Hearts Jpn Patch

The "ateobus of Genoa

For several days I have been following the controversy concerning so-called "ateobus" of Genoa. In short, in Genoa was taken the initiative to fill ad space on the side of some buses by an association committed to promoting atheism. This project is not original but copied from the similar already practiced in Spain. The slogan that appears on the sides of the means of urban transport is as follows: "The bad news is that God does not exist. The good news is that you did not have any need."
What perplexes me is the emphasis that we wanted to give the news, but also the inadequacy of the level of debate which emerged. Insignificance by the side of the atheists, who now seek facts or acts through striking to hear a voice that is defeated by the evidence of the facts and reason, the same reason that they wanted to raise to divinity (and even Robespierre had him in practice, complete with a liturgy in the church of Notre Dame, which has been finished with a shot in the head and dying, decapitated, it's just a fact that should make us reflect on who gives too much importance to the ability of the head, to the point of violating the sacred places ...); smallness but also greater on the side of the Catholics, or those so-called (because sometimes seem to Taliban and other pagan gods that share God with an idol ...).
front of a provocation of this kind are of the view that there are only two intelligent ways to respond: the first is indifference, because "The braying of a donkey does not rise to heaven" as the saying goes. And atheism is the manifestation of idiocy sum, just from a logical point of view, rational and materialistic: just a thorough study of Aristotle (fourth century BC) or St. Thomas Aquinas (1250) to realize without can never change their ideas in front all'autoevidenza of things. This is the best way of seeing things with the right detachment that allows us to better judge.
The second way, however, is the irony: if I were one who can not do in public controversy, I believe that some Catholic associations involved in the purchase of an equal number of advertising compared to the association atheist, and I would use this space to write the following slogan:
"God is dead! Signed: Nietzsche - Nietzsche is dead! Signed: God
laughter bury them ....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Marrage Invitationmail

Czech Republic round at six-month EU presidency

The EU presidency has changed hands from France to the Czech Republic In this state, a recent member of the EU, there are two political figures that stand out: the head of the government Mr. Topolanek and President Vaclav Klaus. They belong to the same party but have very different personal profiles, especially differ completely on the feeling towards the EU: aligned with the powers of Brussels and Europe's first traditional, alternative sample of European sentiment, and therefore defined the average power as a "Eurosceptic" the second.
There is no doubt that the cultural depth of the older Klaus is considerably more substantial, although this is a man by nature difficult and sometimes extreme positions, like on the other hand it happens to all those who thought their and original back Topolanek is the stereotype of the new policy emerging plastic, which makes her what is the most popular, and so much like the intelligentsia and all'Establishment Strasbourg and Brussels seeking to give voice only he likes it that even those who want to continue on the powerful model designed in Europe to date.
no secret of rooting for Klaus: there need people capable of disrupting the process of weakening of democracy that is occurring with the construction of this based on the EU Treaty of Lisbon and the international agreement between States, less and less inclined to consult the people.
The EU is becoming a powerful pick for the dismantling of popular sovereignty, as an increasing number of laws may be introduced into the laws of individual states without Parliament elected by their peoples can be spoken individually. More and more often do not even need the ratification of measures, since the directives and decisions taken by the European Commission (a body composed of persons not directly elected but appointed by the Member States) often have immediate force of law without any limitations or exceptions.
Anyone can figure out for themselves that, in such a context, those who have the means to influence the Commission can seize de facto legislative power was rescued from popular sovereignty, in defiance of democracy.
Dar voice and listening to people like Klaus, and as anyone who has the courage to denounce the drift-style bureaucratic authoritarian powerful economic lobbies are imparting to the EU institutions at the expense of citizens' rights, is a convinced advocate of the duty of every democracy, always so poised and ever so hard to defend.
Of course, a driver's license "Eurosceptic" is ready for anyone, such as of "racist" has boiled for 20 years and still threatens people in Italy is called "federalist" and supporter, even within the EU, the institutional architecture based on regions and peoples, rather than on lobbying and technocracy.
But we scared to these patents, all these years? The duty of every citizen who wishes to heart his own freedom and that of others is to never stop making their voice heard, even if the "voice of one crying in the wilderness: Repent !"... The Truth and Good are often well somewhere other than to conformity and popular opinion. On EU issues, then, after 50 years of one-sided propaganda, some suspicion should also be less circumspect.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Free Music Score Fireflies By Ron Pope

What is RAI in advertising?

Tomorrow January 5, 2009 the national TV networks in France can no longer broadcast advertising after 20. Sarkozy wanted to measure and on which I totally agree, having followed the debate on the French papers and the reasons given.
would be most desirable in Italy, as now seems the RAI in effect for a commercial broadcaster is the amount of commercials, both for the quality of programs, both for the gradual abdication of the public service.
But the so-called "anomaly Berlusconi" this measure will never see the light, because there would be an outcry against the war from all sides interest of the Head of Government, the owner of Mediaset SpA and the three broadcast TV networks that belong to that group of companies. This will force us to see public money wasted to pay outrageously high salary in favor of presenters, artists and guests in the open market would be worth a tenth of what they can expect and receive, will force us to pay even the practice of allotment, through which parties Rai placed in their favorites, with substantial fees in respect of appointments insignificant or unnecessary, or even convenience, it will force us to support this bandwagon with the fee that allows the privileged few to enjoy any profit, while imposing to speakers State coverage of more frequent losses.
Someone lying or naive, says that advertising revenue with its allows RAI to not raise the rent, the truth is the exact opposite, since a fall in advertising revenues would require a drastic reduction of expenditure, the redefinition of the schedule programs, thinking about what it means today to make public service television broadcasting through the end of the duopoly regime that provides an alibi for not addressing Berlusconi's conflict of interest (excuse summarized in the phrase "Without my networks would be in a position of dictatorial regimes Information "). Less revenue
type Commercial surely would mean a decline in price competition and the end of a company's competitive state with private companies, which is a shameful situation and all Italian.
But the current situation is appropriate for parties who have a place to accommodate the recommended and settle accounts with those who advance favors; befits who thrives working in the undergrowth of this situation, agrees to the set of "artists, dancers & Dwarfs" having their gold mine, even without special talent; agrees to Berlusconi, for reasons mentioned above, because it takes higher advertising rates than in a fully competitive regime would collapse, decreasing also the richness of Mediaset Spa
This reasoning can enter the hard head of some voters? Never ever. Requires at least three logical and consequential steps, namely the requirement to make a creative and useful intelligence to progress. Those who vote in a certain way can not exceed two steps, and therefore do not understand anything about ethics, religion, foreign policy, economics and law.
At most a bit 'of sociology petty and the repetition of slogans like Tibetan mantra corny spoken by others, conceived by others and never quite understood.
those persons intelligence goes only to ensure the existence and exercise of those abilities (skills) characteristics of higher primates with opposable thumbs.
For that, not understanding anything, they are called "custodians of culture" (indeed, "kultura ")...
"Hasta la victoria siempre! El pueblo unido hamas serĂ  be defeated!"

"be defeated" maybe not, but taken by the nose by a scoundrel of the moment suggests that the cyclic history, ah ... And how!

Friday, January 2, 2009

K2 Darkstar Review Beginner

The snow, sand and Italians

The Inuit of the Arctic Circle using as many as 21 different nouns for snow. Familiarity with this naturally meant that their language developed words for each different characteristic shape, texture, hardness, compactness, temperature, appearance, color, flavor, etc. of what we simple catalog with a single noun: snow, in fact.
The Bedouins of the Sahara desert Berber race have, in their dialect ancestral prearabico, 13 different ways to define what 'typical element of their landscape that we call simply a common noun: the sand. Again this is a particularly familiar, making it seize the peculiarities and differences depending on the features that are beyond us.
Similar examples are found in different languages, different cultures specific to catch peoples have a rich vocabulary as referring to all the elements that relate to such activity, so for the people of farmers, for those of hunters, farmers and so on.
This premise is necessary because I was reflecting on a characteristic of the Italian language, even without enrichment which could provide substantial contributions of the different dialects spoken in the territory of the Republic: I do not want the reader to remove taste and produces a list that I'm sure, will be largely incomplete. Procedure, the bulk ...
Thief, scoundrel, rascal, scoundrel, swindler, bandit, Maramaldo, villain, swindler, lobbyists, robber, criminal, extortionists, criminal, racketeer, cravattaro, scoundrel, double agent, dishonest scoundrel, rogue, cheat, sophistication, forger, robber , to say the phrases as surplus prison scapegallows, no good, because it would never end and so on ...
short, all people of their specialties, quickly reverberated in the spoken language.

Hikari Pokemon Doujin

Porn and Rock'n'roll: for the new Islamic revolution

Sometimes enlightenment comes from the most mundane conversations, perhaps with those who you do not expect it.
was talking to my brother, intelligent man, but with totally different interests from my studies and completely away from politics, religion, theology, philosophy, anthropology, history, law and economics that occupy my mind. How many are confused aggression of Islam worldwide, the fixed component of all the conflicts that exist today anywhere in the world, are confused because until 09.11.2001 believed that I was a bit 'set for the studio too, as I foresaw that in reality things did not seem to be able to verify. How many believed that Allah was the Arabic translation of God, that the mosques were asked Arab, that the Imams were the priests and, ultimately, did not understand why Muhammad was different from Jesus
I always gave the goat For this, as I continue to consider all those goats, even intelligent, have a knowledge of religion as trivial and superficial, almost as if the concept we have of the metaphysical and the origin of things, was not decisive for the social life both for the individual's life.
Caproni, again, only to be forgiven for the enormous pain I feel.
Yet my brother, who is just as smart as me being in the same league, once listened to the details and historical accounts, sociological, cultural and anthropological did not lose a moment, and has sanctioned the answer, perfect:
"So it's idiotic to do wars and invasions, spend money and sacrifice human lives. Just bomb them with porn magazines and rock music! "
The truth is this: releasing the woman's body from the total domination of the male, breaking up the family-controlled based on the "uncle-averaging", typical of Islamic society still structured clan level, undermining the institution of marriage in Islam is that a mere contract of sale of the female, with a lot of out clause with penalties for the "goods" yield; emancipation of women, removing the ownership of the uterus to Muhammad, through the induction of an awareness in women about their sexuality and freedom the right of self sentimental, even in a romantic, allowing females to choose their male, and reject what you wanted from the "uncle-mediator" (fuck that ....); also introducing a movement of free expression and transgression youth, using a non-traditional music as rock'n'roll and disrupting the uncritical repetition of the teachings of the Ulema ...
Islam collapse from a social point of view. That would leave only with his mystical Sufi poetry, and the Koranic literalism: the first with good prospects, the second is intended to collapse like a house of sand in the Sahara desert.
It 's a fact, indeed, that Islam is deprived of his orthopraxy, that is the formalism that perpetuates and justifies the practical rules require, a construction is inconsistent and easily decomposable by the typical rationalist critique of the West.
That criticism has also destroyed the formalisms of Christianity, making it shine, however, that substantial Truth that has come to use the same criticism and find a way to strengthen themselves as straight, the criticism that in Feuerbach, Nietzsche and Freud had his "masters of suspicion" so important to remove what was just superstition and idolatry, giving to Christian theologians may think and argue, revealing even more clearly the meaning and message of the Church of Christ, not the critical would leave the Islamic concept of the building stone by stone.
Ben knows the nobles of Islam, and therefore their reaction to the Regensburg speech of Pope Benedict XVI was so angry and broken: in front of a logical God (the Logos), all reason and principle of all wisdom, the principle of love and charity, the dictates of the Koran implode.
"Islam" literally means "submission", and this submission is for unquestioning faith can not be discussed. Something is illogical or contradictory? Allah says, so this is right ...
not acceptable for a western purified from the age of Enlightenment ... Unacceptable for those who have listened to the Doors and AC / DC, or even Elvis ... Unacceptable to those who lived through the sexual revolution of 1968, while realizing that Herbert Marcuse was wrong at all.
not acceptable for anyone, however, in its cultural and genetic heritage, the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, who used to recommend, in discerning what is "good, just and true," the use of recta ratio, HERE EST ET REGULA Mensur.
the right reason, the daughter of that intelligence had to be God, who is the Logos, that is intelligent, the possession of which we have for participation in the Logos makes us His image and likeness.