Friday, February 13, 2009

Guinness Book Endocrine Disorder

The economic crisis in the progression

Raining economic data that indicate the progression of the phenomena of recession and, inevitably, the attention at this time, is likely to become absorbed. For me, however, there is a sense of malaise: those who have followed the articles written on this blog can see why.
Well in advance I have foreshadowed the current scenarios, but go much further. Someone accuses me of doom, I think that the perception of what is happening is very distorted. The media talk as if we were right in phenomenon of the economic crisis, but the truth is that we are the first gusts of wind that anticipate a tropical storm with enormous destructive potential. In the middle of this year the first nodes will be laid on the table, unemployment will start to become a problem, the real effects will be felt more strongly in the financial markets, the crisis will also in developing countries and more strongly than the rich West.
do not need to add anything to what I said and repeated several times, just scroll down the articles of the past months on this issue.
The world that will arise as a result of this crisis will be different, how different it will be understood by the road that's been spoon when they realize they could no longer sustain the lifestyle of the last 30 years. My hope is to not experience the war firsthand, but I can not in any way affect the course of events. You just have to pray for me that I have faith, or hope for good fortune for those who do not.


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