Good Intentions for 2011 GREEN
Hello everyone and good 2011! Let's start this year with some good purpose? here are some that I 'stole' from the website: good-intentions-the-new-year
How to start the new year without throwing away any old object or some bad thoughts? If you have not already done so, please contact the company for the disposal of waste your local reference for explanations and detailed clarifications on separate collection systems active in your neighborhood, put complaints, suggestions, and also inquire about the recycling facilities in the vicinity of your home. This is just to begin and, alternatively, if the items to be used in trash can still be recovered for the joy of Christmas has received a few gifts: give to the needy by offering free fishing for local charities through online or give her a free website . Take a look at the article "7 questions to get rid of useless objects"
Make your home efficient point of view of energy saving. To mention only a few good habits to follow:
-turn off the lights when you leave a room,
-off plugs,
-do not leave electrical appliances on standby. Let
such as a TV stand-by power consumption generates 80% compared to that produced during use. These, moreover, are only a few small steps that taken individually may seem unnecessary or could be considered inconvenient and annoying practices. Actually make a proper domestic energy savings, it makes a real difference. (See also "energy saving in 10 moves") You can save up to 50% on our electricity bills.
The spring season is approaching, it's cold but still warm temperatures in the first case is already being felt. We can try to lower the temperature of our heating a degree or two, the difference is barely noticeable, but the energy savings and reduced consumption of our bills, in the medium - long term, will be evident with significant improvements. If
mid-season seems to disappear, do not worry too much of temperature change: a good blanket or hot water bottle to warm the sheets (as taught by our grandmothers) will help. Is not it worse or excessive energy consumption is too much waste to let us take a "cold"?
Alternatively, try to just turn on the radiators in the rooms you use most frequently.
's spring, we are in full bloom and the temperatures are warmer. If you have used during the winter dryer for your clothes, well now it will straighten the air.
For the washing machine you always wash cold or low temperatures (30-40 degrees or so), if possible even in the coldest months. Most washing powders or liquids work well at lower temperatures. (See also green laundry, 5 tips to save energy when you wash clothes)
Habit May be considered seriously, not only in May: Leave the car at home and go to public transport. Even if you are skeptical or disappointed by public transport, sustainable mobility is one of many challenges together and to improve any time soon. Use the local public service and, alternatively, if your trip is short you are on foot or by bike. Familiarize and train services on schedules and / or bus and also on the new car-sharing services offered by public transport in your town.
The council this month is: to aim to save water. Some ways to reduce water consumption:
- check the seals of the valves while preventing water loss,
- prefer to shower at the pool Bathroom
- turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
- do not waste too much water while washing dishes ...
The summer months are best placed to develop new water-saving devices. An 'alternative is to install a barrel in the garden to catch rainwater. And 'welcome move that will allow you to reuse the collected water to water your garden and your plants. Similarly recovered organic waste to create compost to be used as fertilizer, uniting it to the ground. These nutrients are lost but that does not make thriving plants in your garden. (See how to make home compost in 5 moves)
you planning a summer vacation? Choose the trip that you like also view to reducing CO2 emissions. Take the train, where possible, for a trip to lower CO2 emissions or, for a truly green mobility, try local resorts, not far from your city.
E 'remembered as air pollution and airport noise and / or produced by the air traffic remains one of the most dangerous to human health, despite many innovations in terms of eco-friendly engines and the first experiments in terms of solar air.
They approach the early winter months. Up to one third of the heat produced in the home is lost through the walls. Provide thermal insulation of your house: this investment will bring long term benefits on electricity bills. Here are some techniques to catch the flight to insulate your home not doing an energy audit first do-it-yourself to check any drafts and heat loss
The days are shorter, the sunlight is less Hot and weaker and more to keep our homes lit and easily light a bulb too. It 'good to be careful and use only light bulbs with energy saving of 8 euro each year. The € 8 add up to each and every light bulb in use for a period six times higher than the previous.
This month is suitable to resume the theme of environmental mobility. Involve more people to try car-pooling to get to work, instead of the private car is a possible solution that helps to reduce both carbon emissions and the cost of gasoline. It is a smart way to socialize and share their journeys with work colleagues, friends, classmates and parents.
Ready for a new year? Do you buy green and local. And this Christmas remember all the advice we have given this year to experience the party trying to reduce emissions in all its aspects, from the tree to the decorations, the dinner packets of gifts for Christmas dinner to choose a zero-emission green meal with meat and vegetables in season and local
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