social ethics: the economic or political? The object of economic reasoning
I'll be back again the last piece and respond to the letter, this time, polite, written by Doctor of Economics in Bologna.
Anyone who knows me or reads what I write regularly, you know what my ethical guidelines: I am a doctor of political science and studied theology for a lifetime, now I'm also arguing for some years the examinations for the Magisterium. Are fingerprint Thomistic and "pupil" of prof. Ratzinger at least ten years before he became Pope
Far be it from me, therefore, any attitude, even hypothetical, of inhumanity.
However I am a realist, as a good Thomist, and I can not share thoughts which lead to pure utopia. These are all the talk that they forget the scarcity of resources, oblivious to the identity and indelible difference of the various peoples who all want idyllic "world-society" without the States, where there is only one world people where all they love and they love, where everyone shared everything with others.
The communist utopia, and the rubbish that John Lennon sang in "Imagine", do not take into account human nature, tainted by selfishness and pride.
Since original sin, according to the Bible and theologians since the birth of each, however. And this will always prevent the implementation of multiculturalism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, multiracial, multi-everything, because man is not so. It will never be the case, has never been the case.
Ergo ...
Ergo we must think in practical terms and build a world that is "the most just possible," since the absolute justice of God is just, if there is (there is, no doubt, but it also acknowledges the non-being , although it is absurd in itself). My idea is that we must build a world fit for "person" ("person" is a Christian theological concept of the Trinity, as I have often said in the blog) and that this can happen only by reasoning on the meaning of "possible" the term " neighbor. " The neighbor can not be indiscriminately anyone, except him who is close to me, with whom I can develop a relationship "personal" solidarity with the people far, however, be implemented through the States and international organizations, and opening the borders to give all alike the opportunity to "pick up where you have not plowed, explains ugne, Italy will do" (Manzoni, "March 1821 ")
That said, I like Amartya Sen when he writes his books on social ethics, starting from his perspective of the great economist. But when he writes as a moralist (who disperses ethics is a moral philosopher, I'm not being appreciated) is no longer an economist. He says it clearly, but when you have been pigeonholed into a category you find it difficult to take off the label that you are saddled, so it sometimes makes confusion in the fields.
The economy is a relatively young (as a science, I mean) and must stop the description of phenomena, the study and analysis, forecasting of potential developments. Never has to deal with the prescription of behavior, this being the task of political philosophy (politics, originally had for "Polis," that is socially organized man, meaning that the same ethic still has to "Es", ie for ' man taken individually).
purpose of political action is the common good, by definition. The purpose of economic action, maximization of profit and the best allocation of scarce resources. Dissertations on what is really profitable, what is really useful, and on the profound meaning of human action are no longer economic but philosophical.
then become my subject, rather than the Doctor of Economics. From which I take pleasure, indeed, lessons about economic models that can demonstrate mathematically what my reasoning was wrong: in mathematical terms, I repeat. If necessary, there will always be in place to blog posts without sarcasm or insults, as sometimes happen to have read and erase.
If we speak of Christian social ethics, including secular and secular perspectives, perhaps twenty years I have not studied at all.
conclusion, I share the sentiments of humanity made to all the people of the earth, but the idea that who have nothing to eat we should not give a fish, but should be taught to fish, and I agree with the statement of St. Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians, when he argued that "who does not work, neither should he eat."
course without prejudice to the incompetent, the helpless and the sick, to which everyone is called to imitate another protagonist of contemporary India, perhaps even larger than Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner like him: Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the small Sister Balkans.
Which, in turn, did everything for the holy face of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ our Lord.
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