Thursday, November 13, 2008

Save Game Sgm Pokemon Yellow

Need more massive immigration?

The reason most frequently and always repeated by supporters of immigration from non-EU countries on Community is the need of manpower to carry out those jobs that nobody wants anymore.
That reasoning, however, encounters two limitations: first, that the host country must be so rich to afford to have citizens who choose even to accept certain jobs rather than unemployment, the second, that the number of jobs available is limited, unless you assume a world in which all jobs are done by a mass of immigrants / slaves should maintain a ' other mass slave / loafers.
In a period of economic expansion and prosperity of this motivation has held up, despite his severe inconsistency, if put in relation to topics such as popular sovereignty, or the meaning of citizenship, or the historic right of public ownership of a people on the territory of his country and carried to other peoples, not to mention many other aspects.
But in the flood period recession, although barely begun and is far from having reached its climax, designed to last several years, worsening, the question arises: is certain that those who remain unemployed are not just willing to perform tasks that until recently refused, but honestly to receive compensation?
I believe that many Italians, from here forward will be very pleased to be able to fill those jobs before they left for any newcomers.
Moreover, in an economic predicament in which you can not increase the overall GDP, the only way to maintain or improve the standard of living is to focus on policies to boost GDP per capita, and this can only be done by blocking the migration and favoring the population pyramid, which should allow a reduction in population due to natural about 15% in 20 years, maintaining levels of employment and consumption on current standards and drastically reducing the pension burden.
The Italian population in this way should return around 50 million people, due to the decrease caused by the natural decline in the birth of the new century than in the years between 1930 and 1950, allowing per capita income would increase investment , reduction of costs and health care, lower taxes and structural upgrades at every level, reversing the economic trend and freeing up resources to help non-EU nations in their homes, encouraging self-empowerment and a progressive, and less traumatic both from a cultural point of view that the historical, political and social.

course, in all this there would be a generation that is totally frigate: that of those born between 1960 and 1980, that is mine.
But this we have already begun to understand when we were 15 years, then we have just had confirmation increasingly obvious. I would like at least it would put a stop to the havoc that we are witnessing, safeguarding the independence of future generations, by not selling out the sovereignty of our country, won with the blood of our grandparents and great-grandparents, with the sweat of our fathers and the tears of the mothers of all generations.
You May Say That I'm a dreamer ....
John Lennon did not understand anything, or had it all wrong, but the sentence is nice and like it, so the re-use in a totally upside down.


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