Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Periods Change With Exercise

Romano spouses, neighbors Erba (CO)

The trial of the two spouses of Grass, accused of having cut off a family with unusual cruelty of neighbors including a small child's throat cut with a knife a few years, is fed to the national media and this is a scandal Italian justice.
However, as it is spoken, some ideas from this incident I took them to make a reflection.
I was struck by the defense lawyer's harangue, not so much for showing off a bit 'pompous baroque eloquence and rhetoric farcical, fairly common in criminal law in general, but for the basic thesis that this content: assuming that the accused are guilty and must prove it and obviously, if they had committed such a crime could not be considered sane, and therefore would be entitled to the mitigating circumstances provided by law.
The reasoning is misleading, bordering on insanity, so the reason it is distorted. The cause is an incorrect view of human nature, the error is anthropological and I want to prove. The lawyer
forget that in humans there is also evil. The evil is not a mental disorder, but a spiritual disease. Not relate to the physical, but metaphysical.
then the error is: who still wants to deny, foolishly, the existence of a spiritual component in humans, recognized since ancient times and questioned by the West only recently Christophobia, empty and materialistic, continues to give credence to those theories that would be traced back to chemical mechanisms or genetic predisposition that is fruit of free will. Percu multiply debates and research on genes that cause infidelity, a tendency to steal, lie, to attack, to kill and so on, and consequently tend to attribute to un'incolpevole psychophysical condition altered, or invalid, all deviant behavior.
Not so. The Greeks distinguished between body and soul, the Jews introduced the category of the Spirit coming to the tripartite Meat / Mind / Spirit and Aristotle, in the fourth century BC described the man as "a synolon of body and spirit," where "synolon" he meant an inseparable unity.
Christian thought perfected this idea, insisting that the unity between body and spirit is no confusion or overlap.
But back to evil, it is a free expression of man who can not make use of right reason, that should incline to the good, the evil is a misuse of reason and a total detachment from the principle of love is life, and that gave us life.
bad behavior is therefore a voluntary removal by love and reason, that is from God then it is a sin, a view Christian, for that very reason. In optical
secular, however, is conduct contrary to the principles of justice, goodness and truth, from which arise for genesis live the concepts of liberty, equality and fraternity on which it is based on mutual respect, which is taken from the foundation of the criminal codes summarized by the Latin maxim neminem INFRINGE.
Ergo, bad behavior is almost always a crime, and you can deliberately commit even in the midst of the mental faculties, without any mental disturbance.
What will determine the process do not know, I care for justice. But I hope to follow the course of the truth. For this reason I hope that none of the actors, lawyers and judges, due to the presence of the media or ideological vision distorted human, become accomplices of lying conceit or other ignoble motives.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Whatch Yaoi Online Xd Such A Weird Qestion...!?

the collapsed schools everywhere, all of a sudden?

A brief consideration: Is he a chance that when the minister Gelmini announced some cuts to the school as part of a broader and more structured reform the entire education system, schools have suddenly started to collapse? So much so that each TG is about three or four different incidents in different buildings or failure of the Peninsula? And it is no coincidence that we already have one fatality and two serious injuries which may, alas, become three dead? It is not by chance that from now on we will see a massacre of infants due a collapse that, immediately and on time - how quickly and on time has been shamefully done - will be charged to the "wretched of the budget cuts minister Gelmini?
careful, because Berlusconi has said many pegs in 14 years and unfortunately many will say it as long as the Almighty does not free us, but one really good, serious and historical he said, calling some people on the left: "Good for nothing capable of anything! Definition
worthy of inclusion in the Universal Encyclopedia.
People who exploits the death accidental misfortune of a poor boy of 17 years, the serious injury of his classmate he also a victim of the collapse of a ceiling, and the fall accidental, in another city, a Chinese 12enne the window of another school ... People like this has no limits, no shame, no shame. I am totally outraged and disgusted by so much meanness and unfairness!
Now I will listen: I just want to see if there is a breakdown in the chain of schools in every part of Italy, perhaps with dead and wounded. I am not surprised at all, but are beginning to have some suspicion ...
There should be a limit to those who provide information in a way so criminal, as have some newspapers on these misfortunes. Newspapers which, however, are always the same and well-known.
What a shame!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Strength Surgery Quotes

social ethics: the economic or political? The object of economic reasoning

I'll be back again the last piece and respond to the letter, this time, polite, written by Doctor of Economics in Bologna.
Anyone who knows me or reads what I write regularly, you know what my ethical guidelines: I am a doctor of political science and studied theology for a lifetime, now I'm also arguing for some years the examinations for the Magisterium. Are fingerprint Thomistic and "pupil" of prof. Ratzinger at least ten years before he became Pope
Far be it from me, therefore, any attitude, even hypothetical, of inhumanity.
However I am a realist, as a good Thomist, and I can not share thoughts which lead to pure utopia. These are all the talk that they forget the scarcity of resources, oblivious to the identity and indelible difference of the various peoples who all want idyllic "world-society" without the States, where there is only one world people where all they love and they love, where everyone shared everything with others.
The communist utopia, and the rubbish that John Lennon sang in "Imagine", do not take into account human nature, tainted by selfishness and pride.
Since original sin, according to the Bible and theologians since the birth of each, however. And this will always prevent the implementation of multiculturalism, globalism, cosmopolitanism, multiracial, multi-everything, because man is not so. It will never be the case, has never been the case.
Ergo ...
Ergo we must think in practical terms and build a world that is "the most just possible," since the absolute justice of God is just, if there is (there is, no doubt, but it also acknowledges the non-being , although it is absurd in itself). My idea is that we must build a world fit for "person" ("person" is a Christian theological concept of the Trinity, as I have often said in the blog) and that this can happen only by reasoning on the meaning of "possible" the term " neighbor. " The neighbor can not be indiscriminately anyone, except him who is close to me, with whom I can develop a relationship "personal" solidarity with the people far, however, be implemented through the States and international organizations, and opening the borders to give all alike the opportunity to "pick up where you have not plowed, explains ugne, Italy will do" (Manzoni, "March 1821 ")
That said, I like Amartya Sen when he writes his books on social ethics, starting from his perspective of the great economist. But when he writes as a moralist (who disperses ethics is a moral philosopher, I'm not being appreciated) is no longer an economist. He says it clearly, but when you have been pigeonholed into a category you find it difficult to take off the label that you are saddled, so it sometimes makes confusion in the fields.
The economy is a relatively young (as a science, I mean) and must stop the description of phenomena, the study and analysis, forecasting of potential developments. Never has to deal with the prescription of behavior, this being the task of political philosophy (politics, originally had for "Polis," that is socially organized man, meaning that the same ethic still has to "Es", ie for ' man taken individually).
purpose of political action is the common good, by definition. The purpose of economic action, maximization of profit and the best allocation of scarce resources. Dissertations on what is really profitable, what is really useful, and on the profound meaning of human action are no longer economic but philosophical.
then become my subject, rather than the Doctor of Economics. From which I take pleasure, indeed, lessons about economic models that can demonstrate mathematically what my reasoning was wrong: in mathematical terms, I repeat. If necessary, there will always be in place to blog posts without sarcasm or insults, as sometimes happen to have read and erase.
If we speak of Christian social ethics, including secular and secular perspectives, perhaps twenty years I have not studied at all.
conclusion, I share the sentiments of humanity made to all the people of the earth, but the idea that who have nothing to eat we should not give a fish, but should be taught to fish, and I agree with the statement of St. Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians, when he argued that "who does not work, neither should he eat."
course without prejudice to the incompetent, the helpless and the sick, to which everyone is called to imitate another protagonist of contemporary India, perhaps even larger than Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner like him: Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the small Sister Balkans.
Which, in turn, did everything for the holy face of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gay Cruising Near Toronto Airport

I would do a piece on the previous specification: they are not in favor of no policy Malthusian (I leave the reader the research, I recommend wikipedia Treccani but also to tolerate the most deprived) are not for violent acts, not for malice.
On the other hand I was clear: only hope to rule with firmness of natural phenomena, including for the first demographic change caused by the inescapable fact that life and death to old age.
Death by old age, I repeat.
Without concern for everyone, until proven otherwise! The only exceptions I know are Enoch and Elijah, or the seventh imam, or "Mahdi" of Shiite Islam, but tests are still at the sacred texts for the first and the clichés of the other ...
Because certain people, you probably do not understand much of economy, have criticized an alleged cynicism in my reasoning, I would like to clarify that when we reason about the economic programs of the humanitarian sentiments without citizenship. This
no way prevent the search for the "good", although the economy has as its object the search for the "better", which as everyone knows is a different matter.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Save Game Sgm Pokemon Yellow

Need more massive immigration?

The reason most frequently and always repeated by supporters of immigration from non-EU countries on Community is the need of manpower to carry out those jobs that nobody wants anymore.
That reasoning, however, encounters two limitations: first, that the host country must be so rich to afford to have citizens who choose even to accept certain jobs rather than unemployment, the second, that the number of jobs available is limited, unless you assume a world in which all jobs are done by a mass of immigrants / slaves should maintain a ' other mass slave / loafers.
In a period of economic expansion and prosperity of this motivation has held up, despite his severe inconsistency, if put in relation to topics such as popular sovereignty, or the meaning of citizenship, or the historic right of public ownership of a people on the territory of his country and carried to other peoples, not to mention many other aspects.
But in the flood period recession, although barely begun and is far from having reached its climax, designed to last several years, worsening, the question arises: is certain that those who remain unemployed are not just willing to perform tasks that until recently refused, but honestly to receive compensation?
I believe that many Italians, from here forward will be very pleased to be able to fill those jobs before they left for any newcomers.
Moreover, in an economic predicament in which you can not increase the overall GDP, the only way to maintain or improve the standard of living is to focus on policies to boost GDP per capita, and this can only be done by blocking the migration and favoring the population pyramid, which should allow a reduction in population due to natural about 15% in 20 years, maintaining levels of employment and consumption on current standards and drastically reducing the pension burden.
The Italian population in this way should return around 50 million people, due to the decrease caused by the natural decline in the birth of the new century than in the years between 1930 and 1950, allowing per capita income would increase investment , reduction of costs and health care, lower taxes and structural upgrades at every level, reversing the economic trend and freeing up resources to help non-EU nations in their homes, encouraging self-empowerment and a progressive, and less traumatic both from a cultural point of view that the historical, political and social.

course, in all this there would be a generation that is totally frigate: that of those born between 1960 and 1980, that is mine.
But this we have already begun to understand when we were 15 years, then we have just had confirmation increasingly obvious. I would like at least it would put a stop to the havoc that we are witnessing, safeguarding the independence of future generations, by not selling out the sovereignty of our country, won with the blood of our grandparents and great-grandparents, with the sweat of our fathers and the tears of the mothers of all generations.
You May Say That I'm a dreamer ....
John Lennon did not understand anything, or had it all wrong, but the sentence is nice and like it, so the re-use in a totally upside down.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Events Facebook Unremoved

Obama for president

Won Barack Obama, Obama alive!
Frankly I find silly and indicative of a provincial subject and the fact that many employees will be made to root for one or another candidate for the White House.
Aware that there is pluralism in the U.S. and that the only two parties that exist today come from the historical division of the Republican-Democratic party, and have the same ideological matrix, thus the same outlook on life and society, with slight differences Conjugation of the same paradigm, I waited with impartial serenity of the vote head of state in the first world military power. Military, since it is not the first economic power because of the stratospheric debt: in fact, Obama is to govern a country in decline, on the verge of bankruptcy era that desperately tries to hide behind the fig leaf of the crisis and financial consequences that have so far unpredictable.
The only thing important to stress that I feel is as follows: the election of a man with African ancestors breaks the tradition of the Wasps (White Anglo-Saxons and Protestants) even more than the "Catholic" (so to speak) JF Kennedy. E 'poetic justice that redeems symbolically the centuries of horrible slavery, segregation continued after its abolition, and racism still continuing but that, from this moment, is confined to sociological phenomenon involving minors questionable and politically irrelevant.
I did not expect and I'm happy: never again, given the scale of Obama's success, you can accuse the U.S. of being a racist nation. After a Chief of Staff, Colin Powell, and Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, an African American is elected as President, and nobody, not even among African Americans, can no longer camp victim or specious arguments. The responsibility for investing
Obama today is extraordinary, beyond the capacity of a single man who is not enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
Let us hope that it can live up to his office, because in today's globalized world, the effects of its shares will fall, for better or worse, on all of us.
remember, however, that the U.S. is a nation with a history of very specific and that no analogy of any kind, is possible with the political situation of the European countries, let alone to Italy. We have our history, our culture, our demographics, our problems and our economy.
Obama is president of the USA, ally and trading partner, we hope it's fruitful relationship with its administration. Load
other meanings this election would be a symptom of little knowledge of politics.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sasuke Sakura Doujinshi Hand Made

indifference to the killing of my brothers

am amazed at how the massacres perpetrated in Africa and Asia against the Christian communities, especially Catholic, indifferent to public opinion in Western countries. Only in Italy, thanks to the readiness of Senator Bricolo of the Northern League, there was a motion of intent signed in across the board by a majority of MPs, calling on Italy to engage in all areas to seek institutional protection of these humans defenseless against the overwhelming violence of fundamentalist Muslims or Hindus blind.

If the same thing happened against the Jewish communities around the world do not believe that What would pass over in silence, as I believe that would not pass over in silence for any other religious group, ethnic or even, in the world.

There are concerns of aboriginal people, the hungry, polar bears and plants of the Amazon, but no Christian!
asserts the rights of gays to get the state pension only for the fact that prefer anal intercourse between males, or those orogenital, since there is another element that distinguishes them from the rest of the population, are protesting the Kyoto Protocol, which met from 8 to 220 countries, why you would want to be respected at least 9 or 10, we tore his clothes because the stock lost 30%, after earning 300%, but if they killed the children of people who pray to Christ, then is silent.

Shame! Shame! This is what I feel to be part of a society as unclean!