Monday, December 1, 2008

Ovarian And Knee Pain

drift oligarchic The process of the Italian parties

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, On.Fini, raised a very serious and very important part of the soundness of the democratic life of our country: the risk of "Cesar" within political parties.
He intended, by this term, indicate the dominance of the mold by a dictatorial leader on the leaders and cadres of any political party, although political parties are, by definition, social agencies aimed to rally support and to channel to sites responsible for instances of that part of the population that shares the ideals specific. It is therefore
associations necessarily need a democratic regime in order to survive and, in turn, have an obligation to "contribute through democratic processes to determine national policy" (Article 49 Constitution of the Italian Republic). Although
Fini apparently was referring to the trend of centralizing Berlusconi PDL, although the same purpose has always been an absolute and undisputed leader in AN, although the problem also exists in other political parties, without exception or distinction, the debate is damped immediately with the answer given by Mr idiotissima and disconcerting. Bonaiuti, a spokesman for Berlusconi, "Do not forget that Caesar was a positive character of History."
Apart from the fact that at Caius Julius Caesar could be debated for months, given the importance of the character, the fact that they are exalted qualities in such a context is shaking down the arms, especially if no one replies in a piccata.
Caesar became the Roman Republic into a personal dictatorship with a coup, and after him there was a long struggle for the conquest of power vacancy that resulted in the creation of the Empire: the opposite of democracy and respect for institutions. Even more serious, however, is silent, cowardly and concerned that all politicians have kept the topic: who controls it, who it benefits from the absolute command of a leader to protect them as faithful servants, providing them with privileges and often undeserved honors.
This form of party politics is the degeneration of politics and, through the selection of co-optation of the ruling class (that is, without debate, to vote on the ideas and democratic) creates the conditions for the emergence of a "neo-aristocracy" that is dominated by the rich call upon each other in key positions of various parties.
The parties which are then emptied of specific ideological identity and become just containers homogenized election to the logic of the conquest of power, easy prey for local and national lobbies.
The worst tragedy in Italy, is that citizens do not care much about politics, do not understand the risk she is running the their freedom and are powerless and unaware to economic, political and moral authority of a nation that is increasingly denying the fundamental principles of democratic coexistence, consisting of the famous trinity: FREEDOM '- EQUALITY - FRATERNITY'. Three words
increasingly emptied of meaning, worm-eaten like an apple eaten by a worm inside. This worm is the oligarchy, the historic port of such a natural process that has often been repeated in past centuries, cyclically.
But History, unfortunately, few have seriously studied and thoroughly out of junior high or high school. In this situation of serious and culpable ignorance, cunning, sly and the bullies are intended to reign and triumph.
For this, we expect hard times.


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