Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Heart Right Arm Pain Numb

Jerusalem-free zones

In Jerusalem there was, thank God, many years ago but have been there. I did not like the climate of tension, those machine guns, the climate of widespread suspicion that permeated the atmosphere in the Middle East even more than the smell, the feeling of a city made of watertight compartments where even prayer and the spirituality of children were subject to bureaucratic rules of negotiations.
I will not dwell, so that a few words misinterpreted, misrepresented or instrumentally, I submit to some stupid complaint. I would simply express a view of international politics, especially in light of recent events that saw the riesplosione eternal conflict between Jews and Palestinians (ie, the Philistines, for those who have studied and know the history and etymology of words ...).
I would believe that Jerusalem should become a free city under the control and administration of the UN, without belonging to any independent political sovereignty. Neither capital of Israel, nor the capital of Palestine, no capital at all. Every inhabitant should elect a domicile for citizenship and tax issues at the state capital of which he feels State (Tel Aviv for the Israelis, Damascus or Amman or Beirut for the Arabs), while the city santa of the three monotheistic religions should be a zone dedicated to tourism and spirituality, totally demilitarized and controlled only by governmental forces.
Fixed node Jerusalem, strength and diplomatically by the world community who wanted the birth of Israel in 1948, as two neighboring states (Israel and Palestine) would be easier, since the boundaries already defined by various treaties in successive years.
The problem is Jerusalem, in reality, neither the Jews nor the Muslims want to restore to Christians the same dignity, and therefore they should slaughter ever to prevent a peaceful and fair.
The Antichrist does not want it. Who is not against Christ never accept it.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Maxine Birthday Clipart Free

A Christmas lean

Hobsbawm will be remembered for the book entitled "The Short Century", intelligent analysis of the twentieth century, which it considered proper and specific to the period between 1914 (beginning of the Great War) and 1989 (and implosion of the USSR the Communist system, symbolized by the concomitant fact of the fall of the Berlin Wall).
The beginning of the twentieth century was, from a historical and political point of view, regarded as an offshoot of the events of the previous century, while the period following the end of totalitarian ideologies represented a new era.
Then there was the September 11, 2001, which awakened all the illusory dream of a time of happiness and growth, without wars and full of steady progress with widespread wealth. I call this period "The decade-long blank: 1989 - 2001.
Since then the climate began to end party, which is now presenting the account of the collective hangover, is the economic cost of so many illusions.
We are only beginning, which ends in 2008 will give way to a difficult 2009 in which it will be important to find points of reference to which hinged not to completely lose the balance and direction. The developments are unpredictable, but in the logic of the abundance of the things that too much time the fat will give way to a long lean times. The injustices and inequalities appear in all their abnormal reactions, and will not take long at all levels.
Everyone will be swept away, including myself. The only way to salvation is possible, although far from a certain point of view, is honesty and trust in justice, that absolute of course. What about the men there never rely on ...
write on the eve of Christmas, when we remember special events represented by the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of the Eternal Word for us and for our salvation, wished to take the human remains and death to become the sacrificial Lamb Alliance everlasting God and men, and free ourselves from sin. Reflecting this enormous extreme act of respect for our freedom, and self-giving love that in the extreme sacrifice to preserve it, we bow before invoking the mercy of God the Father through the Son in the communion of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Merry Christmas to everyone who reads me.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ap Biology Lab 8 Hardy- Weinberg Answers

E 'the crisis of a civilization, with serious risks

The economic crisis that is gripping the West and, consequently, the planet is entering a phase known to occur.
So far there have been only the first signs and symptoms, but those problems I had reported several times in the past on this blog now present the bill. An account will be salty, which will produce traumatic effects and consequences still unknown. The fact is that this crisis is not or related to a cyclical downturn in the economic cycle, this is a structural crisis, a final failure of the ideology of globalization, understood not only from an economic standpoint but also, and much more, in terms of socio-political. This is the end we are living in Utopia, wrong at the root, which supports multiculturalism, the global, multi-ethnicity, the end of the remnants of communist ideology, who wanted the elimination of the state and national borders but also the end of liberalism, that communism is simply the downside but still the same coin, namely the abominable of the errors of rationalism and materialism of the Enlightenment.
The short-term effects will be these: the 2008 record a heavy fall in profits of enterprises, especially medium and small (in Italy are the backbone of the economy and the locomotive of the country), this means less tax revenue, resulting in crash State accounts, the flight of capital abroad by the usual rich that always triumph, rampant unemployment and social misery, heavy with conflicts among the lower classes. In the past, this humus made fertile ground from which to grow anti-democratic coups, dictatorship and wars. What can save us from that day comes?
realism tells me anything! The man has never learned from his mistakes and repeat them over and over, in different circumstances: to detect, simply read the Old Testament books written 25 centuries ago where it seems to read the news today.
Hope tells me instead of reflecting, to follow the path of truth from which spring the directions for the conduct of practical life. By Aquinas that I am, and by adhering to the philosophical and political conviction of Joseph Ratzinger long before he became Benedict XVI, I invite everyone to come out of pretentious nonsense with which the Enlightenment has polluted the mind and stuck to the Spirit, invading every aspect of our existence and by limiting our intelligence to a simple exercise of applying mechanical or utilitarian; invite all to reflect the meaning of things, the Justice to look for and find in every act of life before you do them to give up the profit, or at best, to seek instead the Good.
Unfortunately, at this time, the realism prevails in me the hope, because basically disregard the ability of men and I know the selfishness and blindness that characterized their work. And I fear the outcome dramatic, tragic, that the upheavals in the near future could lead our civilization ...
prophet of doom, like the Bible? Simple rival Cassandra Priam? We'll see. So far, I guess, all with very broad advance, against the advice of the great academics and pundits of various Nobel prizes. Happy to be wrong, if it means avoiding violence and deprivation.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ovarian And Knee Pain

drift oligarchic The process of the Italian parties

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, On.Fini, raised a very serious and very important part of the soundness of the democratic life of our country: the risk of "Cesar" within political parties.
He intended, by this term, indicate the dominance of the mold by a dictatorial leader on the leaders and cadres of any political party, although political parties are, by definition, social agencies aimed to rally support and to channel to sites responsible for instances of that part of the population that shares the ideals specific. It is therefore
associations necessarily need a democratic regime in order to survive and, in turn, have an obligation to "contribute through democratic processes to determine national policy" (Article 49 Constitution of the Italian Republic). Although
Fini apparently was referring to the trend of centralizing Berlusconi PDL, although the same purpose has always been an absolute and undisputed leader in AN, although the problem also exists in other political parties, without exception or distinction, the debate is damped immediately with the answer given by Mr idiotissima and disconcerting. Bonaiuti, a spokesman for Berlusconi, "Do not forget that Caesar was a positive character of History."
Apart from the fact that at Caius Julius Caesar could be debated for months, given the importance of the character, the fact that they are exalted qualities in such a context is shaking down the arms, especially if no one replies in a piccata.
Caesar became the Roman Republic into a personal dictatorship with a coup, and after him there was a long struggle for the conquest of power vacancy that resulted in the creation of the Empire: the opposite of democracy and respect for institutions. Even more serious, however, is silent, cowardly and concerned that all politicians have kept the topic: who controls it, who it benefits from the absolute command of a leader to protect them as faithful servants, providing them with privileges and often undeserved honors.
This form of party politics is the degeneration of politics and, through the selection of co-optation of the ruling class (that is, without debate, to vote on the ideas and democratic) creates the conditions for the emergence of a "neo-aristocracy" that is dominated by the rich call upon each other in key positions of various parties.
The parties which are then emptied of specific ideological identity and become just containers homogenized election to the logic of the conquest of power, easy prey for local and national lobbies.
The worst tragedy in Italy, is that citizens do not care much about politics, do not understand the risk she is running the their freedom and are powerless and unaware to economic, political and moral authority of a nation that is increasingly denying the fundamental principles of democratic coexistence, consisting of the famous trinity: FREEDOM '- EQUALITY - FRATERNITY'. Three words
increasingly emptied of meaning, worm-eaten like an apple eaten by a worm inside. This worm is the oligarchy, the historic port of such a natural process that has often been repeated in past centuries, cyclically.
But History, unfortunately, few have seriously studied and thoroughly out of junior high or high school. In this situation of serious and culpable ignorance, cunning, sly and the bullies are intended to reign and triumph.
For this, we expect hard times.