Thursday, February 1, 2007

How Long Does A Pound Of Sausage Take To Defrost

Time to change ... La mala educaciĆ³n

Here I would like to use a metaphor to introduce unargomento close to my heart: : Explain how the tools and procedures for monitoring of prosthetic (ASL test) should be adequate. Today if we go with our car by an electrician in to fix a malfunction of an electronic (and digital), we observe that the diagnostic tools have changed. Obviously this is because technology has changed dramatically our electronic board. car. The same applies to hearing aids and more. Continuing the metaphor, the mechanics of a car braking conditions are adapted to the 'real' road tested and are no longer absolute. Even in the presence of a loss of adhesion, reduction of stopping power is in this case is not accepted because it lowers the effectiveness! Likewise, a digital hearing aid 'real' analyzes the spectrum of speech under various environmental conditions (ie real) and consequently (for example), enhanced voice, in the presence of background noise or sound, however, no real information ( like the traffic ...). This is driven by the digital technology that makes it possible to automatically lower the ambient noise by optimizing the listening in a situation sound complex, but not all. This ability to discern sound is applied, varied from moment to moment controlled by addressing and solving the variable is coming from the naturally occurring or when the subject physically moves.
This sophistication can not be evaluated to 'absolute compartments' as pure tones emitted from an audiometer, but must be measured by the test voice because this is the real goal of applying prosthetic and what is considered to measure the' effectiveness.
I do not want here going into the 'how' is processed sound signal detected in the environment and how it is 'returned' to the patient (thanks to these real micro-computer), but I hope the message is clear: c 'is a pressing need to change the parameters for monitoring the implementation prosthetic (to the benefit dell'audioleso) and this will be acquiring the correct information ....
I'll try to pass them ....


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