collect, share and publish here a happy buzz that runs on the network.
Last Sunday, the TG1 has the special evening dedicated to a topical phenomenon perhaps underestimated, but strongly came to the limelight thanks to the Internet, through video-sharing.Filmati taken with a mobile phone showed Italy generation of real rude (to want to put it mildly), with no respect for others and, of course, to the world around them / us circonda.Se is true that children have the natural ability to absorb information easily from the adults who educate them, imitating their attitudes, behaviors, ways of interacting with others, with nature, to live "civil" in society, we should all bell'esame us a conscience because in one way or another, the responsibility for the mistakes of the very young is rooted in wrong data from large samples!
Unwittingly it after the episode of the Special TG1 (you can also review online at RaiClick ) we ran the video of an advertising campaign launched by Australian Napcan , Make Your Influence Positive!, Through some profound movies (unfortunately) close to bad behavior of "large", leads to reflect on the reflection of their actions, particularly against children who guardano.Children see, children do (Children see, children do) is the title chosen for the award-winning spot, created by the agency DDB of Sydney. Since this commercial on TV seems to us that he had never seen, who knows a little buzz Internet-with your help I can not help launch an invitation to reflect on their actions and the messages they convey: comunicazione.Cerchiamo every action is to keep this to teach our young people a respect for self and others.
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