Finally a law that better protects the ears from the noise that more and more crazy attacks us! Good to know ... to read. (Source: unionecosulenti.it).
Historical Overview: D. Lgs. 277/91 safety and health at work, rumorePer transpose the EU directive n. 80/1107/EEC No 82/605/EEC, No 83/477/EEC, No 86/188/EEC and No 88/642/EEC, the Italian legislature had enacted the Legislative Decree No 277/91 which, in Articles. 38-49, provided the framework for the protection of workers against the risks from exposure to noise at the work lavorativa.Il noise is understood as the transmission of sound and vibration is a phenomenon, the parameters for its measurement are the amplitude and frequency. Noise is measured in decibels as regards the extent and in hertz frequenza.Il with regard to noise, when it exceeds certain limits, causing damage (hearing loss, deafness) and involves the emergence of an occupational disease: in fact, the Legislature has turned its attention to this factor, providing adequate legal framework to prevent damage from excessive exposure to noise above a certain threshold and restructure work environments polluted well. The harmful effects of noise on health are divided into - hearing - non-hearing
. The former have a negative impact on the organ of hearing in the cause of whistles and ringing in the ears, at first, and reduce the capacity hearing, may, in severe cases, lead to sordità.Gli auditory effects can be distinguished, depending on the degree of importance, in: - temporary deafness, recoverable after a period of rest in a quiet environment - accompanied by fatigue a persistent reduction in sensitivity, as well as generic problems that persist for 10 days - hearing loss resulting from an acoustic trauma accompanied by a reduction of sensibilità.Tra extra-auditory effects, however, include insomnia, irritability, decreased concentration, anxiety-depressive syndrome, increased levels of blood pressure, gastritis, ulcers, thyroid abnormalities, and others.

Implementation of prevention: recent additions to the Decree. 195/2006, integrative Leg. 626/94La previous legislation on safety and health at work (D. Lgs. 277/91), regarding the prevention of the harmful effects of noise, provided for the implementation of the following principles: - reduction of noise levels at source (when possible) - limiting the propagation of sound waves in the workplace - limiting times the noise exposure of individual workers - protection of workers through the use of appropriate personal devices (such as headphones or earplugs). Basically, the current legislation has kept these criteria for the implementation of prevention. The most significant concern, however, limits the level of noise to which workers are exposed during processing, and the manner rilevazione.Secondo the provisions of previous legislation, that the employer had the burden to provide appropriate individual devices hearing protectors to all workers exposed daily to noise levels above 85 decibels. The Leg. Introduced in the Legislative Decree 195/2006. Title V-bis 626/94 "Protection from physical agents", setting out what are the minimum requirements for the protection of workers against risks to health and safety resulting from exposure to rumore.L 'current legislation distinguishes values and exposure action values \u200b\u200bare the first levels of noise to which workers are exposed regardless of individual use of particular machines, or the noise still present in a room where you perform special processing noisy, the latter, however, are the levels noise produced by the use of individual macchinari.Secondo the new legislation, the level of daily exposure to noise is given by a mean value, calculated in function of time, the level occupational exposure during a working day of 8 hours, while the level of exposure per week is calculated over a period of 5 working days of 8 hours ciascuna.L 'art. 49-quater of Legislative Decree no. 626/94, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 195/2006, lays down exposure limit values \u200b\u200band azione.In a working day of 8 hours, the values \u200b\u200bof noise exposure are fixed in 87 decibels, while for the action values \u200b\u200bof the current regulation to distinguish between the action values \u200b\u200bthat exceed 85 decibels and action values \u200b\u200bbelow 80 decibel.Nei where the daily exposure of workers is variable significantly as a result of characteristics of a given work, the provisions laws can replace the level of daily exposure to noise with the level of exposure per week, provided, however, the level of exposure per week may not exceed 87 decibels
and that appropriate measures are taken to minimize the risks associated with these activities . Article. 49-d of the Legislative Decree no. 626/94, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 195/2006, provides for certain obligations of the employer, who, in the assessment of noise while working, should be considered , among other things - any effect on the health and safety of workers at particularly sensitive to noise - all the interactions between noise and ototoxic substances linked to line of work and relatively noise and vibration, within the limits of possibility on a technical level - any indirect effect on the health and safety of workers a result of the interaction between noise and warning signals or other sounds to be observed to reduce the risk of accidents - the existence of equipment suitable alternatives to reduce the emission of noise - the availability of devices to protect your ears with suitable characteristics attenuazione.Il employer was and is currently taking to adapt to individual workers and their individual conditions of work provided protection devices, these devices to play their role fully and appropriately must be used properly. Further obligation of the employer was and has remained the same to consult workers or their representatives regarding the selection of models of protective devices. The previous legislation provided that any worker exposed daily to noise for which the threshold was above 85 decibels was to undergo a medical examination and an audiometric test, regardless of the use of personal protective equipment. Nowadays, the law states that the visit in advance and the audiometric test should be performed, both with regard to noise exposure is the exposure action values, or the noise emitted from specific machines during machining, the individual workers using individual healthcare macchinari.Questa procedure should and must be repeated periodically and the frequency of periodic inspections is determined by the doctor; intervals of time between the initial medical examination and subsequent medical regular intervals not to exceed the temporali.Per work involving daily exposure to noise exceeding the threshold of 90 decibels, the Legislative Decree 277/91 provided for the printing in the workplace, signs of ad hoc and possibly limiting access to those sites by delimiting the scope of such legislation provides for such luoghi.Il and further provides that workers exposed daily to noise for which the threshold is between 80 and 85 decibels are allowed to ask for health checks, which is extended if the physician deems relevant opportuno.Obblighi the employer on the application of provisions prevention of damage caused by exposure to rumoreLa legislative provision referred to in Legislative Decree no. 277/91 expressly provided that the employer was required to conduct the assessment of noise at the workplace during the course of work activities in order to highlight risks, this assessment, to measure the exposure of individual workers to noise, it was planned and was performed at specific intervals by competent technical personnel,
under the direct responsibility of the employer. Currently, the evaluation which the employer is obliged, under Article. 49-d of the Legislative Decree no. 626/94, is planned and carried out at least every four years, by skilled technicians. However, the employer, as established in previous legislation, must update the risk assessment whenever significant changes occur and when it detects the necessità.Il health surveillance report of the evaluation of noise in the workplace is prepared by employer, who has to specify the measurements, as well as tools and methods used effettuarle.Secondo for the provision of the law previously in force, the employer must also take the necessary precautions to minimize risks arising from exposure to noise through the adoption of technical, organizational and procedural practice feasible, placing the emphasis on and using the source, however, the most advanced technology available market.Agogo 'current legislation further specifies the obligations imposed on the employer, in fact, art. 49-sexies of Decree. 626/94, the Legislature expressly points out that the employer must eliminate risks at source or, if this is not possible, to minimize them and in any case, the levels of exposure can not exceed the limit values \u200b\u200blaid down by art. 49-quater of Legislative Decree no. Cit .. In order to adapt to the legislative provision, the employer must use
certain measures, including: - the adoption of alternative working methods that entail less exposure to noise - the choice of appropriate work equipment, in connection with work to be done, can emit as little noise as possible - the adoption of appropriate technical measures to reduce noise transmitted over the air (eg, enclosures, sound-absorbent) and the structural noise (eg, insulation systems) - the noise reduction by limiting the duration and intensity exposure, and the adoption of appropriate times, with periods of rest sufficienti.Nel where, following the risk assessment, the higher values \u200b\u200bof action are exceeded, the employer is required to develop and implement a program of technical and organizational measures to reduce exposure to rumore.Nel case of special business, if workers can use rest rooms made available by the employer, the noise inside of them must be reduced to a level compatible with their purpose and their conditions of use.

Article by Att. Alessandra Mass